Current Scope of Accreditation:
Sampling from the lot (SAM)
- SAM: Automatic lot sampling cereals
- SAM: Automatic lot sampling other agricultural crops
- SAM: Manual lot sampling cereals
- SAM: Manual lot sampling grasses
- SAM: Manual lot sampling of coated seeds
- SAM: Manual lot sampling other agricultural crops
- SAM: Manual lot sampling pulses
- SAM: Manual lot sampling small legumes
- SAM: Manual lot sampling vegetables, spices, herbs, and medicinal species
Purity and identification of other seeds (PUR/OSD)
- PUR/OSD: Cereals
- PUR/OSD: Coated seeds
- PUR/OSD: Grasses
- PUR/OSD: Other agricultural crops
- PUR/OSD: Poa pratensis, Poa trivialis and Dactylis glomerata
- PUR/OSD: Pulses
- PUR/OSD: Seed mixture
- PUR/OSD: Small legumes
- PUR/OSD: Vegetables, spices, herbs, and medicinal species
Germination (GER)
- GER: Cereals
- GER: Coated seeds
- GER: Grasses
- GER: Other agricultural crops
- GER: Pulses
- GER: Seed mixture
- GER: Small legumes
- GER: Vegetables, spices, herbs, and medicinal species
- GER: Weighed replicates grasses
Viability (VIA)
- VIA: TTC Cereals
- VIA: TTC Coated seeds
- VIA: TTC Flower species
- VIA: TTC Grasses
- VIA: TTC Other agricultural crops
- VIA: TTC Seed mixture
- VIA: TTC Small legumes
- VIA: TTC Vegetables, spices, herbs, and medicinal species
Moisture content (MOI)
- MOI: Constant oven method: coarse grinding
- MOI: Constant oven method: cutting
- MOI: Constant oven method: fine grinding
- MOI: Constant oven method: no grinding
Thousand-seed weight (TSW)
- TSW: Cereals
- TSW: Coated seeds
- TSW: Grasses
- TSW: Other agricultural crops
- TSW: Pulses
- TSW: Seed mixture
- TSW: Small legumes
- TSW: Vegetables, spices, herbs, and medicinal species
Testing for genetically modified organisms (GMO)
- GMO: Glycine max, Adventitious Presence, rtPCR, Qualitative, Seed bulk(s) or groups(s), MON-877Ø1-2
- GMO: Glycine max, Adventitious Presence, rtPCR, Qualitative, Seed bulk(s) or groups(s), MON-877Ø8-9
- GMO: Glycine max, Adventitious Presence, rtPCR, Qualitative, Seed bulk(s) or groups(s), MON-89788-1
- GMO: Zea mays, Adventitious Presence, Lateral Flow Strip (LFS), Qualitative, Seed bulk(s) or groups(s), CP4 EPSPS
- GMO: Zea mays, Adventitious Presence, Lateral Flow Strip (LFS), Qualitative, Seed bulk(s) or groups(s), Cry34Ab1
- GMO: Zea mays, Adventitious Presence, Lateral Flow Strip (LFS), Qualitative, Seed bulk(s) or groups(s), Cry3Bb1
- GMO: Zea mays, Adventitious Presence, rtPCR, Qualitative, Seed bulk(s) or groups(s), MON-89Ø34-3
- GMO: Zea mays, Adventitious Presence, rtPCR, Qualitative, Seed bulk(s) or groups(s), MON-ØØ6Ø3-6
- GMO: Zea mays, Adventitious Presence, rtPCR, Qualitative, Seed bulk(s) or groups(s), SYN-IR162-4